Evidence of Insurability (EOI)

How to Complete the EOI Requirement
Home 5 Evidence of Insurability (EOI)

EOI Requirement

What is EOI?

Canada Life requires Evidence of Insurability (EOI) for Team Members who wish to make any of the following changes to their benefits:

The EOI requirement applies during initial enrolment, during open enrolment, throughout the plan year, and for qualifying life events.

Fulfilling the EOI requirement involves completing some or all sections of the Application for Group Coverage form and the Evidence of Insurability (EOI) form from Canada Life, as explained in detail below. Also provided on this page are links to these required forms, available in English and French.

Required Forms

Use the links below to open and download/print the forms from Canada Life that are required for EOI.

Application for Group Coverage Form

Evidence of Insurability (EOI) Form

EOI Process Flow & Examples

Use the EOI process flow to help you determine what is required of you for EOI, including examples of different steps of the process.

How to Complete the EOI Requirement

Follow the steps below to fulfill the EOI requirement.

Step 1

Complete Your Sections of the Application Form

Complete sections 2-9 on the Application for Group Coverage form.

Step 2

Complete Your Sections of the EOI Form

Complete the following sections on the Evidence of Insurability (EOI) form:

  • Smoking declaration
  • Optional Life beneficiary designation
  • Plan member’s signature
  • All information on pages 3-5

Step 3

Send Your Form(s) to Michaels HR

Either submit a Knowledge Zone ticket to BUS-Benefits or send an email loa@michaels.com to request that HR complete the employer portion (sections 1-3) of your EOI form and section one of your Application form.

You must include copies of your EOI and Application forms in your request.

Step 4

Submit an EOI Request to Canada Life

HR will return your completed EOI and Application forms to you. In order to initiate your EOI request, you must submit your completed forms to Canada Life via mail or email.

Send by Mail

The Canada Life Assurance Company
Group Medical Underwriting
PO Box 6000
Winnipeg, MB
R3C 3A5

Send by Email


Important: While the EOI form can be submitted electronically, the included signature must be your actual handwritten signature in a digitized format. Canada Life will not accept a typed signature.

Step 5

Confirm Your EOI Status

Please allow up to four (4) weeks for Canada Life to review, process, provide the status of your EOI request.

Regardless of how you submit your information to Canada Life, you will receive your EOI request status notification in the mail.

If you have questions about your EOI request prior to the four-week processing period, you can call Canada Life at 1-800-957-9777.

If you have not received the status of your EOI request in the mail by the end of the four-week processing period, please submit a Knowledge Zone ticket for assistance.

Questions About EOI?

For assistance, either call Team Member Services at 1-855-432-MIKE (6453) and select option 2 or submit a Knowledge Zone ticket.